Monday 28 October 2013

Fish In Pepper Sauce With Herb Butter Rice

Hello, boys and girls!

Welcome to cooking with Varun! Now, I don't know about you, but I personally think that the most depressing time of the week is Sunday evening. The weekend is winding up. You've hit the pubs. You've eaten out. You've partied hard. You've even had a bit of a lie in. Your reward for 2 days of 'you-time', is a work week. When hit by this gut wrenching reality, you turn to the one thing for comfort that never lets you down. Food. But as you scan the kitchen for something to cook, you realize you don't want to spend 2 hours cooking. You want quick, easy and delicious. You, my depressed friend, want what I'm offering!

This is the recipe for Fish in Pepper Sauce with Herb Butter Rice. The fish will take you 10 minutes to make and the rice will take a standard 20. If you play your cards right, you could be done cooking in 25 minutes; be picking food out of your teeth in 35; and letting one rip in 40.

For my Fish in Pepper Sauce, you will need the following: 

Fish 4 fillets of white fish (I recommend Atlantic Cod)
Onion 1 medium
Butter big glob
Chicken/Fish stock cubes 2 (I prefer chicken)
Soy sauce splash
Cornflour 1.5 tbsp
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste

  1. Defrost (if you have frozen fish) & cut the fillets into halves.
  2. Slice the onions.
  3. Dissolve the stock cubes in 2 cups of water to make your stock.
  1. Turn on the gas.
  2. Bung a pan on.
  3. Drop in the butter.
  4. Watch the glob melt into a golden pool of awesome.
  5. Toss in the onions.
  6. Wince at the sizzling that ensues as the water from the onions hitting the butter causes the butter to sputter. (Heh heh.. gotta love it when stuff rhymes!)
  7. Add in some cornflour.
  8. Cook until the onions are brown.
  9. Add in the stock.
  10. Stir the watery mixture that doesn't remotely resemble a decent sauce.
  11. Splash in the soy sauce to give it some colour.
  12. Add in the pepper.
  13. Sprinkle in the salt.
  14. Dissolve the rest of the cornflour in some water.
  15. Add it to the pan. (This will thicken the sauce. For a thicker sauce, add more cornflour.)
  16. Simmer for a few minutes.
  17. Add in the fish.
  18. Cook for 5 minutes.
  19. Turn off gas.
  20. Serve with herb butter rice. (Refer to Rice Rice Baby!)
  21. Stuff face. 
  22. Bask in the glory of your successfully executed dish. 

Tip: Use fresh fish if you can. Frozen fish is ok but there's a world of difference in the flavour!

And remember, overeating is a myth. A full tummy is a happy tummy!