Wednesday 14 August 2013

Cooking 101


Right.. So this is the first time I've ever blogged (or should I say first time I'm blogging?) so I'm not sure what the protocol is but from the handful of blogs I've ever read, it looks like anything goes (as long as it doesn't piss people off!).

So why am I blogging? I mean, blogging has been around for a while now and I've never really bothered to even read anything (apart from reviews that Google throws up) let alone write something for the general populous, but if you've had a browse through my wee 'introduction', you'll know I enjoy cooking (really enjoy cooking) and from the pictures of food that has resulted from my 'mad-scientist' like cooking that I've put up on Facebook, I've had a few friends request recipes and I figured the easiest way to share them is to type them up in a convenient location where the world can see! (I'm going to pretend that this does not make me nervous at all!)

Now, I'm not a chef or a cook (or even your mom), I'm a regular guy who loves to cook (but not nearly as much as I love to eat! Nothing beats an old fashioned face stuffing!) so some of the recipes I put up might have words like 'dollop' or 'smidge' or 'lashings' or 'chunks' or.. well you get the point. I've been cooking since mid 2011 (you can calculate how long I've been exercising my culinary prowess), mainly because I was living away from home and I missed home cooking (it's true, I missed my mom's cooking.. I'm a mama's boy!) so most recipes are traditional Punjabi food but I like to experiment so you'll also find recipes spanning different cuisines. I can't promise how they will turn out at first but I can guarantee that the more you cook, the better you will get (there's a bit of advice for your life in general.. and it's free!).

The blog is titled 'Cooking 101'. Perhaps incorrectly since I'm not qualified to give anyone cooking lessons but I will attempt to take you through a learning curve, not unlike mine, starting with using ready-made paste and then on to growing a pair and abandoning them altogether.

If you have tips on how to improve my recipes or have better recipes altogether, drop me a line. Suggestions are always welcome!


  1. Well , you can be blessing to all bachelors who love to eat and can cook better, if possible. Go ahead. One more thing with every recipe you would welcome suggestion from readers on how to make this recipe better. This will make each post more interactive , interesting and it will also improve the quality. I think this will be also be something not tried by an food blogger ever. All the best


  3. Way to go Varun..!! I for one, always wanted you to have this blog. I know for sure, you have it in your genes to cook, as your mom cooks mindblowing food. Also, a few of us can actually vouch for your teaching skill (thanks to you, we cleared WASE), so cooking 101 is apt!
